Disease resistant to common scab and PVY. Montana can be as large as its namesake. Yellow skin and flesh, oval in shape with shallow eyes. High setting mid season potato with excellent storage.
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Potato (Late-Season) - Jelly (ORGANIC)
• Exclusive variety
• High Yields
• Buttery taste and flavor
Smooth yellow skin with yellow flesh. Oval shaped tubers and shallow eye depth. High yielding and an excellent long term storage potato. This tuber has wonderful texture and a tasty, buttery flavor which is great any way you cook it! Resistant to common scab, PVY and rhizoctonia.
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato, Fingerling (Late-Season) - Austrian Crescent (Organic/Heirloom)
About this variety:
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato (Mid-Season) - Montana (ORGANIC)
New Variety!
Disease resistant to common scab and PVY. Montana can be as large as its namesake. Yellow skin and flesh, oval in shape with shallow eyes. High setting mid season potato with excellent storage.
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato (Mid-Season) - Yukon Gem (ORGANIC)
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato (Mid-Season) - Peruvian Sunrise Gold (ORGANIC)
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato (Mid-Season) - All Blue
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato (Early-Season) - Viking, Purple (Organic rounds)
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato (Mid-Season) - Kennebec (Organic rounds)
New Variety!
A short oval potato with smooth pale yellow skin, shallow eyes and white flesh. Can be used for fries, hash browns and many other uses even without peeling. Kennebec, one of the best keepers, is resistant to blight, mosaic, late blight and net necrosis. Produces dependable heavy yields of large potatoes in most soils. A great plant for the North as it sunburns easily.
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato (Mid-Season) - Red Pontiac (Organic rounds)
• Mid Season
• Heirloom
• Heat tolerant
• Good for mashing
Potato (Early-Season) - Caribe (Organic rounds)
Early-season 60-80 to maturity.
A large, uniform tuber with snow white flesh and lavender skin.
Good boiled, steamed or mashed.
It should be eaten first as it does not last in storage.
Resistant to heat, drought, scab and storage rot.
Producing excellent yields, it can be grown almost anywhere.
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato (Mid-Season) - All Red (Organic/Heirloom)
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato (Early-Season) - Malou (Organic/Heirloom)
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato (Early-Season) - Elfie (Organic/Heirloom)
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato (Mid-Season) - Agata (Organic/Heirloom)
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato (Mid-Season) - Red La Soda (Organic/Heirloom)
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato (Mid-Season) - Ciklamen
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato (Mid-Season) - Chieftain (Organic/Heirloom)
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato (Late-Season) - Defender
Potato (Mid-Season) Fingerling - Vermillion
We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato (Early-Season) - Jester (Organic rounds)
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato (Early-Season) - Cheshire (Organic rounds)
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato, Fingerling (Late-Season) - Russian Banana (Organic)
What are fingerling potatoes? Fingerling potatoes are shaped like big fat fingers. They come in many interesting colors and unique flavors. Fingerling potatoes have actually been in high demand recently with culinary chefs and farmer's market growers.
We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato, Fingerling (Late-Season) - Purple
About this variety:
Late-season 100-120 days to maturity.
The medium- to large-sized tubers need really rich soil and lots of water to prosper.
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato, Fingerling (Late-Season) - French Classic (Organic)
About this variety:
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato (Early-Season) - Yukon Gold (Organic rounds)
About this variety:
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato (Late-Season) - Yellow Finn (Organic rounds)
About this variety:
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato (Mid-Season) - Russet Burbank (Organic rounds)
About this variety:
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato (Mid-Season) - Purple Majesty (Organic rounds)
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato (Mid-Season) - Huckleberry Gold (Organic rounds)
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato (Mid-Season) - German Butterball (Organic rounds)
About this variety:
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato (Mid-Season) - Norland, Dark Red (Organic rounds)
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
New Variety!
Disease resistant to PVY, common scab, and tuber late blight. Smooth red skin with very shallow eyes and red flesh. Large long oval tuber with high tuber set. Early maturing with short storage dormancy.
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato (Mid-Season) - Russet Norkotah
New Variety!
This tuber with smooth, red-brown skin, shallow eyes and white flesh, out-produces most commercial fresh market russets as far as the percentage of #1 uniform potatoes. It is excellent for baking, frying or boiling and keeps well. It is scab-resistant and provides dependable yields. This is another great variety from Dr. Robert Johansen, talented breeder of the wonderful Anoka. It is a good choice for a gardener with limited space. Similar to Russet Burbank.
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato, Fingerling (Early-Season) - Noelle
About this variety:
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato (Early-Season) - Albertine
New Variety!
Disease resistant to common scab, black leg, Rhizoctonia, and tuber blight, the trifecta plus one. Excellent for the the beginning home gardener. Yellow skin, yellow flesh with smooth skin and shallow eyes. Large oval tubers with medium set. It is well worth sacraficing a few potatoes for such excellent disease resistance. Medium storage.
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato (Early-Season) - Violetta
New Variety!
Disease resistant to common scab. Purple skin with purple flesh , 40 days earlier than purple peruvian with smooth skin and shallow eyes. The medium set is over shadowed by its earliness. Medium storage dormancy. Grows best on low nitrogent fields. Purple peruvian say good-bye!
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
New Variety!
Disease resistant to common scab, PVY, and tubar blight. Large oval shaped tuber with red skin and yellow flesh. Shallow eyed smooth skin with medium tuber set. Early to harvest with average storage dormancy. Bakes well to dress up the plate.
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato (Late-Season) Fingerling - Terra Rosa
A beautiful new variety which is smooth and shallow eyed. Magenta skin with matching flesh. Potatoes are ideal for frying, baking or mashing. Oblong tubers can reach 10 ounces in size.
We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato (Late-Season) - Magic Molly (Organic/Heirloom)
• Organic
• Green Thumb Award Winner
• Fantastic earthy flavor
An Alaskan bred potato variety that produces large fingerling shaped tubers. The dark purple skin and flesh retains its color even when boiled. Its excellent earthy flavor and waxy texture are richly enhanced when barbecued, bringing out the warm woodsy smoke flavor of this delicious tuber. Magic Molly is a late setting and long storing potato that will last gardeners well into spring.
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato (Early-Season) - King Edward (Organic/Heirloom)
About this variety:
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-and in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato (Early Season) - Cal White
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato (Late-Season) Fingerling - Red Thumb (Organic/Heirloom)
About this variety:
We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
Potato (Mid-Season) - Russet Pioneer (Organic/Heirloom)
NOTE: We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
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